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When I'm good enough to be loved.
- When I'm good enough to be loved,
the laundry will be done without fail
my room will be vacuumed
my clothes will be cleaned
my plans will be organized
my friends will hang around
- When I'm good enough to be loved,
i'll wake up to the sun
i'll feel a lightness in my chest
i'll start the day without problem
i'll leave the house without stress
- When I'm good enough to be loved,
My girlfriend won't ask me if I love her a million times a day
I'll reach out to friends more easily
My body will be filled out
I'll feel at home
- But now my body isn't home
Plans are few and far between
I struggle to get up in the morning
I struggle to do anything
I struggle to exist in public
I struggle to do my work
Life is better
But it sure ain't good
- so I wait for the day when i'm good enough to be loved
when the sun shines through my window just right
and the rot in my heart stops leaking out on those around me