X-men, overview of who and my opinions on them.

Note: This Page is still under construction, and has only been linked because I've already spent hours on just adding the little info I already have added.

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The X-men

Professor Charles Xavier

A Bitch ass Motherfucker. He claims to hate violence but has a whole team of traumatized child soldiers, doesn't do anythign to advocate for peaceful reform, and generally sucks. Like Straight up, This man could be doing pacifist things and he just isn't.

Some Ways Charles Could be a Pacifist that progesses Mutant Rights

Xavier is a veru powerful Telepath, and on very few occations has in fact mind controlled people into doing what he wants. However this is very rare and requires a lot of concentration on his part. He mostly uses his powers to find other mutants in the area and recruit them to his cause.

In addition to this, Xavier treats the children under his care so poorly it coul dbe considered emotional abuse. The biggest example of this is Cylops, AKA Scott Summers. Xavier repeatedly makes Scott feel indebted to him, and grooms him to be the perfect leader of his child soldiers before often arguing with him on his leadership decisions. Scott did not ask to be taken in by Xavier. He was adopted after his parents died. It was very kind of Xavier to take in Scott and find out how to let him see, but Scott does not owe him anything for this. Xavier was barely doing more than the bare minumum there. A child never owes their parent, adoptive or not, anything. They are the ones who need to be taken care of.

Another example of Xavier's poor child care include not unlocking Iceman's (Bobby Drake) incredible powers. How does a telepath go completely unware that one of his students is an incredibly powerful mutant for years when he's supposed to help them unlock their full potential? Xavier also did not offer support for Bobby being gay before he came out recently in response to Jean figuring it out and telling him directly. This has strong implications of Xavier possibly even hiding Bobby's own sexuality to let the X-men appear more palatable to the world. While not canon, this does disgust me.

Yet another example of Xavier's piss poor "education" and "help" for mutants comes in the form of Rogue. Her powers are on constantly because she is traumatized. It would not be hard to like, you know, send her to therapy and help her gain control like he promised her to get Rogue to join the X-men. Instead, it takes her years, getting married to Gambit and going through a speed therapy session in order to control her powers and let more people in her life. Xavier had nothing to do with any of that.

More coming soon!


Wonderful. 10/10. She can and should murder more than allowed to in both the comics and the Movies. Also, her and Gambit are wonderful and match each other's freak. Are they perfect? Definitly Not. They are both fucked up in the best ways for each other.

Rogue's powers vary from story to story depending on who's writing and what's useful for the plot. In some stories, it takes prolonged contact for Rogue to suck out the powers and lifeforce from another, and in others, even a brief touch can put someone out for days or even years. Rogue's powers allow her to not only take the life force of others, but to aborb others memories, and if they are a mutant, their powers and harness them for herself.

Rogue was born in Mississippi, and her powers first manifested when she was kissing a boy she liked. This put him in a coma for 3 days-many years depending on the story. No matter how strong they are, this event is severely traumatizing, and eventually leads to teenage Rogue being adopted by her Lesbian Moms Mistique (Raven Darkholme) and Destiny (Irene Adler). Rogue spends this time with them working for the Brotherhood, and doing different tasks for them which eventually ends up with Rogue meaning to only temporarily incapacitate Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), however instead killing her completely and taking on both her powers and her psyche. This allows Rogue to fly, have super strength and have incredibly strong durability and skin. It also means that Rogue is in a fight to maintain control of her body against Carol. In some issues, Rogue loses control and Carol takes over and can perfectly control Rogue's powers because she is not traumatized in the way Rogue is.

The accidental murder of Carol Danvers eventually leads to Rogue joining the X-men in an attempt to learn how to control her powers. This is not very sucessful, as mentined above, Xavier is a Bitch ass Motherfucker.

Rogue and Gambit

Joining the X-men leads to Rogue meeting a certain Remy Lebeau, known to his Enemies as Gambit. Rogue and Remy have an off and on relationship throughout the comics. Gambit being head over heels for Rogue and Rogue being flattered but forever turning him down because of her powers. That is, unitl X-men Gold #30, where the two of them get married on a whim after another marriage ended up not happening. This leads into the Mr. and Mrs. X comics where Rogue and Gambit are a very functional and happy couple together. Remy and Rogue work incredibly well because Rogue is afraid of others getting too close, and Remy is willing to get as close as Rogue will let him, without letting her push him away. Remy is completely head over heels for her, and always gives him her full support, which unfortunatly leads him to having the same problems as many female love interest characters, where he loses all agency and voice to simply agreeing with Rogue.

Rogue doesn't gain control of her powers until the Mr. and Mrs. X comic series. Partway through the story, Rogue's powers get even stronger, where rather than a simple touch, simply being near Rogue causes her to suck out the life force of anyone around her. Gambit does his best to help her, however ultimately it takes Rogue going through a fast therapy session after being kidnapped by Mojo that Rogue finally takes control of her powers and can touch whoever she wants, when she wants, and also can purposefully take the life force of specific people without even touching them. This level of control is something Rogue despireately wanted, and shows the significant character growth she was allowed to have in the Mr. and Mrs. X comics that normally is not given to her.

Common Headcanons I like

Rogue is a trans woman. Part of the reason she got so freaked out by the boy she kissed passing out, was because she thought god was saying two boys shouldn't kiss and she later realizes her gender feelings with Destiny and Mystique.

In conclusion: 10/10, love her so much.

Gambit AKA Remy Lebeau

Love. 10/10 perfect sexy swamp man

Gambit's powers are kinetic energy. He can charge objects with Kinetic enery and have it release all at once, either at his command or when they hit other objects like walls or people. This also has the side effect of preventing others from reading his mind because it it full of the kinetic static (And also NSFW thoughts). Gambit generally uses cards for this which he throws at people, however he also uses things like his staff and has charged Wolverine's claws to help him deal more damage.

Gambit was raised by the thieves guild down in New Orleans. This gives him the powers to pick locks, and be good at flirting, in addition to his explosion powers. He is a bit of a scoundrel

Storm AKA Ororo Munroe

Wonderful. Love her. Queen material.

Wolverine AKA Logan Howlett

Disgusting little man. I love him.


Funky slime. The epitome of Perfection.

Iceman AKA Bobby Drake

Love him. Precious.

Kitty Pryde

Honestly I only know that she's Jewish and can fade through walls and sometimes is in roamnce with Collosus.


Tin can man that's sometimes with Kitty Pryde

Jubilee AKA Jubilaiton Lee

Love my sparkle boom girl

The Brotherhood

Magneto AKA Erik Magnus Lehnshur

Less of a motherfucker than Xavier but still sucks. I respect the action, and understand but don't fully respect the war crimes.

Magneto has the problem in the modern age of getting too old. His backstory lines around him being a Jewish holocaust survivor which leads him to his later actions. This was fine in the 1900s, however now that it is in the 2020s it's a little late for him to still be alive. Unless they give him some sort of healing factor to extend his lifespan, Magneto simply is getting too old. There are of course some solutions to replace him.

My favourite solution to this problem is to replace Magneto with a survivor of a different more modern genocide. This character could be brought up within the brotherhood and admire Magneto for many of the things he does, while disagreeing on other parts. I would love a new character that took many of Magneto's ideas and changed them. This would allow for a good modernization, and fit Magneto's niche without letting him drag into his 100s, allowing him to actually retire as he has tried to multiple times in the past.

Look. Magneto has in fact commited war crimes. That being said, the vast majority of them are pretty understandable. Most notably being helping stop the slavery of mutants by toppling the genoshan government. Is toppling a government technically a crime? Yeah. He was however doing the right thing. It has many parallels to the hatian revolution back in the 1800s. I have not looked into the exactness of Magneto and Genosha very deeply, which I do need to do, however if this does not happen, I would love to see a version of Magneto where he joins and empowers a preexisting slave revolt and gives it the power needed to suceed with fewer casualties. Rather than lead, it would be nice to have him ask how he can help and do what they need him to do rather than start something from scratch. While Magneto is not white, a plotline where Magneto shows up and creates an entire slave rebellion on his own because the other mutants had no clue they could rebel reaks of a 'white savior complex' and I would much prefer my earlier idea.

Mistique AKA Raven Darkholme

Respect some of the warcrimes and her love for her wife, disrespect her treatment of children. 5/10

Destiny AKA Irene Adler

Respect looking into the future and her wife, less respect for the methods of the future. 7/10


Was he ever actually part of the brotherhood?


Unstoppable force